Distributed System
Designing Data-Intensive Applications


This page summarizes key concepts in the book
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems (opens in a new tab)

Table of Contents

Part I. Foundation of Data Systems

  1. Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications [ch01]
  2. Data Models and Query Languages [ch02]
  3. Storage and Retrieval [ch03]
  4. Encoding and Evolution [ch04]

Part II. Distributed Data

  1. Replication [ch05]
  2. Partitioning [ch06]
  3. Transactions [ch07]
  4. The Trouble with Distributed Systems [ch08]
  5. Consistency and Consensus [ch09]

Part III. Derived Data

  1. Batch Processing [ch10]
  2. Stream Processing [ch11]
  3. The Future of Data Systems [ch12]